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North American Central Asian Forum
January 18, 2024
12:00 PM EST
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Special Guest Presenter: Michael Kasper
Director of Global Initiatives for VisionSynergy
For security reasons, we ask you to register by sending email to info.nacaf@gmail.com.
A Zoom link will be sent to each registrant

Program Description - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Whether you are from a church, a business, or ministry organization, you can probably think of a time when you made a decision that didn't turn out like you hoped. You had great intentions but you couldn't foresee the outcomes or the response of those affected by your decision. Relationships and partnerships are messy. In this session, we will hear some examples from around the table. And we are so thankful to have Michael Kasper to share with us about partnership.
Michael Kasper - Director of Global Initiatives for VisionSynergy
Michael has served in this role for 5 years. Prior to this, he was with Vision 5:9 Network which brings together practitioners interested in reaching the unreached. Michael has also served with Lausanne and OM. Michael shares the following about himself and VisionSynergy:
" I equip and coach leaders to collaborate with others to achieve breakthroughs in key result areas for their non-profit. At visionSynergy, we are focused on unleashing creativity and shared work through networks and partnerships. This sends a powerful message of love and unity when we choose to work together".
The North American Central Asia Forum (NACAF) team desires that NACAF will be a place for connection for those who have a heart for this region. For more information, go to www.nacaf1.net.
We will hold a Zoom forum every few months and focus on a specific area of ministry. Each time, we will hear from a special guest, those working in the region, and then have time to get to know each other in break-out rooms.
Our desire is to meet many of you in person at the Central Asia Consultation in Izmir, Turkey, March 14-19, 2024.
The North American Central Asian Forum (NACAF) exists to foster collaborative efforts, provide communication streams as well as involvement opportunities for Christ honoring kingdom work among Central Asian people. The forum also exists to support the work of the Central Asia Consultation.
Engage our Minds - knowing how to best cooperate with others who desire to minister to Central Asians.
Engage our Heart - seeing a new generation join us in having a passion for those who have yet to be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Engage our Hands - being involved in work alongside Central Asian believers to accomplish what God has called them to do.
For your planning:
NACAF - January 18 2024 12:00 pm EST - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Central Asia Consultation (CAC) - March 14-19, 2024 - Izmir, Turkey - contact Helen at cac@capost.org for information about registration. Deadline for registration is January 14, 2024.
NACAF team
Bruce Huseby - Chair